Protecting your horse's legs from kicks, daily scuffs with boots is essential. Featuring PU or leather shells, these hardwearing brushing boots prevent injury from rubbing during schooling, riding, competition or turnout. Brushing boots for horses also offer shock-absorbing properties, support for the fetlock and tendons, compression and tough strike resistance while being super soft and comfortable.
All our brushing boots offer breathability and moisture-wicking properties. Opt for mesh brushing boots for a super cool airflow, or, for warmer brushing boots, opt for fleece-lined ones. If the fleece-lined brushing boots are too bulky, we offer fleece-edged ones. We recommend Lemieux brushing boots if you want the best in our collection. Or, for long-lasting, light and flexible ones, opt for Woof Wear brushing boots.
Looking for horse bandages or a set of travel boots for your horse? Take a look at our horse boots and protection collections.