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Over Reach Boots

Protect your horse's delicate hoof and pastern area from over reaching, rubbing and brushing with a set of over reach boots. Use these practical everyday over reach boots for horses while schooling, hacking, jumping, cross-country or turning out. Choose between tough and rigid rubber over reach boots for total hoof protection or flexible neoprene or leather over reach boots for ease of movement and comfort. The secure double velcro close-touch fastening will keep these boots securely on, and the anti-spin nodules prevent them from turning. We also supply over reach boots with sheepskin or fleece collars for ultimate comfort and luxurious style for your horse.

For a wide variety of options, browse our LeMieux over reach boots. And for various colours, browse our Shires Arma over reach boots. Considering a pair of brushing boots too? Take a look at our horse boots today and discover top quality brands at amazing prices.

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