Horse fly masks keep annoying flies and insects from distracting and irritating your horse. Fly veils or horse fly hoods have become increasingly popular with riders who enjoy colour-match sets, like matching saddle pads and hat covers. Not only does a horse fly veil look fantastic and keep flies and insects at bay, but a horse fly veil with ears can help to muffle noises which can be helpful for horses that tend to spook easily.
Fly masks for horses are also a great way to keep flies and insects at bay whilst your horse is in the field or stable. They are available in different styles, patterns and colours, and you can also choose between ones that incorporate ear and nose coverings. You'll find a wide range of fly veils and masks in stock here at R&R Country, for example, our favourite Shires horse fly veil. Or, choose from a fantastic selection of colours, styles and sizes from top brands, including LeMieux, Hy, and Hkm.